I’ve had the privilege to work with the following companies / organisations

Print & Advertising






Talks / Appearances / Speaker / Demonstration / Workshops

Media 24 Editors Forum
Swellendam Landbouskou
Tuis & Home Magazine Roadshows
Kamersvol Geskenke DIY workshops
Homemakers Expo DIY demonstrations
Decorex Cape Town Entertaining workshops
Club Mykonos Vrouedag DIY demonstration
Caledon Tuinbouklub/Gardening Club
VLV Suider-Sirkel vergadering – DIY demonstrasie
Tuis & Home creative/DIY workshops
Tuis & Home Fixit with flair gala talks and demonstrations
Seeskulpie School Ladies tea, Langebaan
Exclusive Books staff creative giftwrapping workshops
Decorland media launch talks
Decorland Staff creative talks
Poetry stores giftwrapping workshops
Build it team talk May 2015
Lig tydskrif lesersdag in Gauteng Oktober 2015